Predicted Winners U.S. Elections Through Coffee Mug - Obama Win
In addition to polls and surveys, there are alternatives that are not scientific but is considered quite accurate in predicting the results of the U.S. elections.
Predicting the results of the U.S. presidential election is something that is difficult. Political parties, news agencies and experts have studied the surveys and public opinion polls for months, trying to find out who will win.
But no matter how good these calculations, predicting the future is not a sure thing. For election observers seeking entertainment in the traditional count, here are some alternatives to predict the winner of the election, with a bit of humor and imagination.
7-Eleven coffee cups
Coffee drinkers who buy caffeinated beverages at 7-Eleven store chain has successfully predicted the presidential winner since 2000. Through proram "7-Election", franchised stores that offer the voters an opportunity to support their favorite candidate by choosing blue glasses for President Barack Obama and a glass of red for Republican challenger Mitt Romney. Glasses regular "non-partisan" is available for customers who can not decide which to choose.
The customer may choose as often as they could, and early elections began in September. In the last three elections, 7-Eleven said there are seven million candidates raised glasses.
Who won this year's selection of coffee cups? So far, Obama got 59 percent while Romney 41 percent in 34 states participating.
Halloween Mask
The presidential election fell just a few days after Halloween, which means that the candidates faced mask has always been a popular choice among the American public. Shop page says that the mask of paper that sells candidates have accurately predicted the next U.S. president since 2000. This survey is not scientific, of course. Election to the company's motto is "1 mask = 1 vote. Referendum vote can be bought! "
As a result, sales of masks Mitt Romney reached 51 percent and Obama 49 percent.
Redskins Rule
It is currently the football season in the United States. Closer to the election, there was a football team that became crucial role: Washington Redskins. Through what is called the "Redskins Rule", if the team wins the match host before the election executed, petahanalah party that will win the elections. Conversely, if the losing opposition candidate who would be president.
It may sound silly, but the "rule" has proven true for 17 of the 18 presidential elections since 1937. If Obama watch the game on Sunday night, he might be a little nervous. Redskin defeated by the Carolina Panthers.
Although only able to join the election at age 18, but the students in the U.S. can choose their favorite candidates in an informal poll conducted by the children's book publisher, Scholastic.
Scholastic Student Vote has accurately predicted the next president in 15 of 17 elections since 1940. This year, the students say Obama should still be president. Democratic candidate got the vote 51 percent of the 250 million students across the country, while Romney got 45 percent and 4 percent received an alternative candidate.
United Astrology Conference Menutrut (United Astrology Conference) held in May in New Orleans, astrologers say the planet in favor of Obama.
Each astrologer uses different techniques to predict the election of Indian Vedic techniques to study the chart Aries. They all agreed that Obama will get a second reign. Of course there is also the astrologer who predicted that Romney would win.
But no matter who wins, all astrologers agree that the day of the election and the weeks that followed were a chaotic and confusing time as Mercury reverses direction on 6 November. According to astrologer Susan Miller, it's not a good sign.
"I expect there is a legal challenge, the demand for a recount, faulty voter machines, and many other issues," wrote Miller, who noted that the last time Mercury was reversed in 2000, when George W. Bush against Al Gore, who is full of controversy .